Mini Tutorial: RWBY V4 Ruby Rose tights
3. Tape that sucker to your leg. *yeah your leg… not your panty hose or your knee highs…
4. Using a sharpie draw the rose directly onto your leg (don’t fill in… since we just need the shape. You are essentially making a pattern on your leg to trace onto the panty hose.
5. Put the panty hose on.
6. Use the sharpie to trace the outline of the rose on your leg. When you have the shape fill it in.
7. Don’t forget to draw in the thorns!
8. Take the panty hoses off and put the knee highs on. Time to tear them up! Use a pair of scissors to cut holes then put nail polish remover on top to prevent it from running.
9. Wait for it to dry.
10. Take off knee highs and get that sharpie off your leg! Pro tip: Makeup removers help!
11. Rock out your new Ruby tights. Put the panty hose on then the knee highs and go kick some Grimm butt.
If you have any questions then please let us know!
Also be sure to share your awesome Ruby cosplays with us!